Motorola India has finally launched the Moto X4 smartphone in India, as it had promised. It was unveiled IFA event recently and packs dual 12MP and 8MP rear cameras to take images with blurred background, portraits, selective black and white and has dual Autofocus Pixel technology for faster focus in low light. It packs a 5.2-inch 1080p screen, is powered by Snapdragon 630 and runs on Android 7.1 (Nougat). It has a 16MP front camera with a new 4MP adaptive low light mode.
It has IP68 certification for water resistance and has a 3D rear contoured design, an anodized aluminum frame and Corning Gorilla Glass protection on the the front and back.
Moto X4 specifications
- 5.2-inch (1920 x 1080 pixels) Full HD LTPS IPS display with Corning Gorilla Glass protection
- 2.2 GHz Octa-Core Snapdragon 630 14nm Mobile Platform with Adreno 508 GPU
- 3GB RAM with 64GB storge, 4GB RAM with 64GB storage, expandable memory up to 2TB with microSD
- Android 7.1 (Nougat)
- Hybrid Dual SIM (nano + nano/microSD)
- 12MP primary camera with Dual Autofocus Pixel sensor, PDAF, f/2.0 aperture, 1.4um pixel size, 8MP ultra-wide angle secondary camera with 120-degree field of view, f/2.2 aperture, 1.12um pixel size, dual-tone LED flash, 4K video recording
- 16MP Front-facing camera with LED flash, f/2.0 aperture, 1um pixel size
- Water and dust resistant (IP68)
- Fingerprint sensor
- 3.5mm audio jack, Front-ported speaker, 3-Mics
- Dimensions: 148.35 x 73.4 x 7.99 mm; Weight: 163g
- 4G VoLTE, WiFi 802.11 ac (2.4 GHz and 5 GHz), Bluetooth 5.0 LE, GPS, GLONASS, NFC, USB Type-C
- 3000mAh battery with Turbo Charging
The Moto X4 comes in Super Black and Sterling Blue colors, is priced at Rs. 20,999 for the 3GB RAM with 32GB storage variant and the 4GB RAM with 64GB storage variant costs Rs. 22,999. It will be available exclusively from Flipkart starting today midnight.
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