Aluminium air battery made for future vehicles ,What is aluminium air battery and it's range

Aluminium air battery made for future vehicles ,What is aluminium air battery and it's range

In an aluminum air battery, aluminum is used as an anode, and air (the oxygen in the air) is used as cathode. This results in the energy density – i.e. energy produced per unit weight of the battery – very high compared to other conventional batteries.

Aluminum air battery’s high energy density mean that they have a high potential of being used in electrical vehicles.

Despite this an aluminum air battery is not commercially produced, mainly due to the high production cost of the anode, as well as issues with corrosion of the aluminium anode due to the carbon dioxide in air. Because of this, use of this battery is restricted to mainly military applications.

This type of battery cannot be electrically recharged. Basically this is a primary battery. But the difficulty of recharging can be overcame by mechanical recharging process. Mechanical recharging of aluminum air cell is done by replacing aluminum electrode. In this process, the battery can be turned to its fully charged condition from discharged battery cell stack.
Because of its high energy and power densities, facilities of mechanical recharging, aluminum air battery is may be the most suitable alternative of petroleum fuel for automobile in near future. These battery also have very low environmental impact.

The main disadvantage of this technology is, the reaction of CO2 with aluminum. Aluminum gets very easily affected by corrosion due to the presence of CO2 in the air. This problem can be overcame by introducing special air electrode which can prevent CO2 to reach to the aluminum sheet. Phynergy has developed an air electrode with silver based catalyst and this structure lets O2 enter into aluminum sheet and prevents CO2 to enter.

An Ex-Navy officer from Britain Trevor Jackson invents a battery that can give a range of 2000 km on a single charge. This portable power pack lasts between 2.6 and 11 times longer than the incumbent lithium primary battery.

Trevor Jackson has now signed a multi-million pound deal with Austin motor company, an engineering firm based in Essex, to start mass producing them.

This secret electrolyte invention made possible to power the electric car for up to 1,500 miles which equals to 2414km.
